As the song goes, "We were strangers starting out on our journey", this is how I can best describe my journey with breastfeeding and my Ally. Way before Ally was born, I have already decided that I would breastfeed Ally. I'm blessed to have a sister in law (joy) who's a "guru" in breastfeeding. She has breastfed all her 3 babies and now the 4th too. Joy lend me her maternity clothes, baby clothes and breastfeeding books. Ants, my husband, is the youngest in his family and the last to get married. All of his siblings have kids, and being this, we were able to pick up some lessons and first hand information on babies, breastfeeding and some lessons and experiences in parenting. During my pregnancy, Ants was already very supportive in my decision to breastfeed our baby. My decision became our decision. He was the one who studied, canvassed and bought the Medella pump in style for me. He also has a classmate in High school who's a pedia, Dr. Joy Ty-Sy, who's Ally's Ninang and pedia now. When I gave birth to Ally, Dr. Joy personally taught me on the proper way of latching and ways to increase breast milk supply. When Ally was born, we had her roomed in the day after. (I gave birth 10pm November 12, 2008, it was during the time that joc joc was confined at St. Luke's, so rooms were all occupied, Ants and I have to stay in the high-risked room overnight, hearing all those in labor, gosh, it was a tiring night). Being a first time mom, when Ally cries, I just try to breastfeed her or change her diaper when it was wet. We have to stay in the hospital for at least 48 hours for the newborn screening test. The first night with Ally, was not that ok, she kept on crying and crying, and all I did was to breastfeed and lulled her to sleep at my chest. The next day, Dr. Joy visited me in the hospital and checked on Ally. She then found out that Ally was really hungry since she saw that I wasn't producing enough breastmilk. She quickly instructed us to buy Dr. Edward's water and syringe so that Ally could have some glucose water. Dr. Joy patiently taught me the proper way of latching and instructed me to pump and breastfeed every 2 hours. During that time, every drop of the breastmilk I collect, was like a diamond. Ally drank glucose for a week until my supply met her demand. It was tough, as I remembered, it was like breastfeeding and pumping all day long. Thanks to Aileen Cabilangan for being there online, and just a text away, when I have to ask question like what do you mean by breastfeeding and pumping every 2 hours? If you don't know it, it's just saying if u start breastfeeding at 12, then the baby breastfed up to 1 then you have to pump around 30 minutes to collect milk. Then again at 2, you have to breatfeed again. Wow! Just thinking of it made me really tired. But day after day, I don't feel tired at all, seeing my baby smile and sleep, maybe that's what you call love..
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