Ally is now 17 months breastfeeding and am proud, happy and feel blessed about it. Wow!!! 17 months??!! Yes! Me too! I can't seem to imagine that I would still breastfeed until now as most of the elders would discourage me not to breastfeed anymore because they are thinking that Ally would get the nutrients of my body and she can already eat solids. Tips for this kind of discouragement? Just nod and listen and say yes to whatever they are saying. If you can't bear their "dakdak" and wanted to answer back, Just say that your doctor and your baby's doctor said to continue breastfeeding as it is both beneficial to both of you. I did that, I send all related articles to my mom regarding the benefits of breastfeeding and now she helps me explain it to my grandparents. She has been even supporting us with our nursing wear business that promotes breastfeeding.
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